What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel A. Helminiak. Written by a Roman Catholic Priest, What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality discusses several issues of translation, and considers what various scriptural passages do, and do not, say about homosexuality. Order this book here.
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by John Boswell. Yale historian John Boswell reviews the attitudes of the Christian church toward homosexuality in medieval Europe, uncovering substantial documentation that the early church was much more tolerant and accepting of homosexuality than had previously been thought. Provides crucial information regarding interpretation of Biblical passages. Order this book here.
Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe by John Boswell. Boswell's second book analyzes historical documentation which shows that the early church routinely performed ceremonies blessing same-sex unions. Order this book here.
The Church and the Homosexual by Rev. John McNeill. First published in 1976 and now in it's fourth edition, The Church and the Homosexual traces the impact of certain historical events in Christianity including the stoic tradition and the writings of St. Thomas Acquinas. Additional chapters address the relevance of scientific data, moral theology, and provide suggestions for pastoral ministry to the gay community. Order this book here.
Homosexuality in the Church edited by Jeffrey S. Siker. In addition to material on scriptural interpretation, the chapters in Homosexuality in the Church include discussions of scientific data, changing church traditions, and gay and lesbian participation in the church. The book concludes with denominational statements on homosexuality from several churches. Order this book here.
Stranger at the Gate by Mel White. Order this book here.
Eastern/Near-Eastern Orthodox, Byzantine/Eastern-Rite Catholic: AXIOS. www.eskimo.com/~nickz/axios.html
Episcopal Church: Integrity. www.integrityusa.org 800-462-9498
Lutheran Church: Lutherans Concerned/North America. www.lcna.org
Methodist Church: Reconciling Ministries Network www.rmnetwork.org
Presbyterian Church: More Light Presbyterians. www.mlp.org
United Church of Christ: The Coalition. www.ucccoalition.org
Islamic: Muslim PFLAG Discussion Group
Islamic: Additional Links
Additional Churches
Mormon/Latter Day Saints: Affirmation. www.affirmation.org (323) 255-7251
Unitarian Universalist: Interweave. qrd.tcp.com/qrd/www/orgs/uua/uu-interweave.html
Evangelical: Evangelicals Concerned www.ecwr.org
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